About Me

Hey there! I’m so happy you’re here!

My name is Gina Prete and I absolutely love spending time in the kitchen when I’m not chasing my little one around the house. I was born and raised in San Diego, California and now live in Austin, Texas.

I absolutely love making food and of course eating it too! My mom and Grandma taught me how to cook and bake. Since my mom is from Mexico she showed me how to make all the delicious Mexican foods you will find on my blog.

My mom has a huge heart and loves cooking for anyone that comes to her home. She would never let you visit without feeding you or sending you home with some food.

And my Grandma, born in England but moved to the US when she was 15, was the one who taught me how to bake and use my creative side to make my own recipes.

During the holidays we would bake tons of cookies for our family and friends. I always helped her make Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner too. As long as I was in the kitchen I was happy.

I’ve always enjoyed making food for my family and friends and now I get to share my recipes with you.

From sweet and decadent desserts to delicious Mexican and American foods I am beyond excited for you to try one of the many recipes I have for you! Thank you so much for being here and supporting me! 


Gina M Prete